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With an elegant and stylish look the Butterfly Spirit 16 provides the quickest and easiest system for setting up your table. It is combined with a quality 16mm playing top, so making this table ideal for home and recreational use. A Butterfly Clip net and post set, 2 bats and 3 balls are included.
Top value Centrefold table, suitable for home and other light uses.
16mm playing top for recreational play.
Protective, strong steel frame with magenta corner pieces.
Strong, stable undercarriage.
Height adjusters on all four legs to ensure a level playing surface.
Both halves fold into the central undercarriage for easy set-up and movement.
Double locking system on each half for safety and stability.
Playback facility.
Designed for economic storage.
Conforms to the new Central European Norm (CEN) safety regulations: EN 14468-1.
Includes a Butterfly Clip net and post set.
Includes bat and ball holder with 2 reverse sponge bats and 3 quality practice balls.
3 years guarantee (table only).
Minimal assembly required (approx 15 mins) before first use.
In use : 9’ long x 5’ wide x 2’ 6” high (275 x 153 x 77cm)
Storage : 5’ 3” high x 5’ 7” wide x 1’ 2” deep (158 x 169 x 64cm)
Unpacked weight : 75kg