These items are shipped directly from the supplier and can take from 5 to 10 days from the point of order to be delivered to your desired delivery address.
Please Note: UK and Ireland shipping only - additional charges may occur but the customer will be contacted before processing.
Can be used indoor/outdoor
Strong melamine backboard – 24 x 17 (60cm x 43cm)
Colourful backboard design
Steel pole with ballast requiring 26kgs of sand or 14 litres of water
Easily adjustable between 4 and 6 (1.2m and 1.8m)
13.5 (34cm) solid steel ring with matching nylon net
Straight forward assembly – instructions provided
Meets EN1270 standard
England Basketball approved
To be used with size 3 or 5 basketball
Size of box 33 x 18.5 x 2.75 (84cm x 47cm x 7cm)
Weight 15kg