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The ¾ size Butterfly Junior table tennis table is ideal for use in Junior schools and where a full size table would take up too much room at home. It is good for storage in that the 2 halves fold together to take up a width of less than 6?. Included are a Butterfly Clip net and post set, 2 bats and 3 balls.
Great table for home and school use where space is limited.
Ideal for limited space to play.
12mm playing top.
¾ size – 6' 9" x 3' 9" x 2' 6" (206 x 115 x 77cm).
The top is protected by a steel frame and magenta corner pieces.
2 separate halves.
Legs fold in for storage.
Two wheels on each half for easy movement.
Stores away using minimal space.
Ready assembled.
Includes Butterfly Clip net/post set, 2 reverse sponge bats and 3 balls.
Attractive green playing top with matching light silver legs.
3 years guarantee (table only).